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Terms & Conditions: LEGOLAND Accommodation

LEGOLAND® Accommodation Terms & Conditions of Stay

Merlin places great importance on the safety of its guests and endeavours to ensure that its high standards are met by all persons visiting their Hotels. Please assist us in ensuring our hotels and their facilities remain a safe place in which to enjoy fun and exciting experiences.   

In these terms and conditions of stay (Terms), the following definitions shall apply: 

Hotel: LEGOLAND Windsor Resort Hotel, LEGOLAND Windsor Resort Castle Hotel, LEGOLAND Windsor Woodland Village  

Merlin/Us/We: Merlin Attractions Operations Limited (Company No. 6272935) whose registered office is at Arbor Building, 16th Floor, 255 Blackfriars Road, London, SE1 9AX; 

All booking reservations at the Hotel are subject to the following Terms.  If you do not comply with them you may be removed from the Hotel by Merlin personnel, security or police officers, without any right to a refund.  This is without prejudice to any claim that we may have against you or arising out of your actions.  Whilst inside the Hotel, you must comply with any reasonable instructions given to you by Merlin personnel or any third party instructed on behalf of Merlin.  Merlin, acting reasonably, reserves the right to vary these Terms at any time without prior notice. Please note that entry to LEGOLAND Windsor Resort is subject to the resort terms and conditions of entry. 

All rates featured on the Hotel website, or quoted by telephone, email or in person are offered subject to availability and cannot be guaranteed until you have received a confirmation number.  The information contained on the Hotel website and third party booking systems, is believed to be correct at the time of posting. However, we are unable to accept responsibility for any errors or omissions and reserve the right to amend any part of it if such alterations are thought to be necessary.  All photographs depicted on the website and online booking systems are intended as a general impression of the Hotel and what you may expect from your stay.  


For health and safety reasons wheelchairs and mobility scooters are the only transport devices permitted within the Hotel. You are not permitted to bring any food and/or drink into the Hotel and only food and/or drink purchased at the Hotel can be consumed whilst in the Hotel. Deliveries of any nature are not permitted at the Hotel.  Under 18's are not permitted to use the gym. Children must be accompanied by a responsible adult at all times around the hotel. Please note there is no viewing area available at the Pool and Water Splash area for guests who are not swimming.   Swimwear must be worn by all entering the pool area. Children under 12 years old must be accompanied into the water by an adult (16+) as follows;  

  • Children aged 0-2 Years:  1-1 and child has floatation aids 
  • Children aged 3-7 years: 1 adult to 2 Children (children age 3 must be wearing floatation aid) 
  • Children aged 8-11 and competent in water adult must be present in Swimming Pool and Water Play Area.   

Children aged 12 and over can swim without an adult, but an adult must be present poolside in swimwear.   

In accordance with English immigration laws, all foreign guests will be required to show their passport at the check in. 

Our commitment to provide a service: 

Merlin will endeavour to ensure that as many facilities as possible are available for use by guests at the Hotel.  Merlin reserves the right, without prior notice, to change the operating hours of such facilities.  Any special requests with regard to rooms need to be made at the time of making your booking.  Merlin shall use its reasonable endeavours to accommodate such requests, although these cannot be guaranteed.  Some requests may incur extra charges which will be notified to you by Merlin.  Merlin in its absolute discretion reserves the right to close the whole or any part of the Hotel and/or any facilities within the Hotel at any time or to restrict the number of persons staying at the Hotel.  The reason for any closure or restriction provided by this condition may include technical or operational reasons, capacity, special events or to ensure the safety and security of guests or if Merlin reasonably considers the circumstances so require. If the whole Hotel is closed for any of the reasons set out above, Merlin shall use reasonable endeavours to notify you as soon as is reasonably practicable of such closure and may offer you a substitute booking on an alternative date which you may or may not accept. Merlin, acting reasonably, reserves the right to amend a booking reservation but not to a lesser value or quality.  You will be notified in writing as soon as reasonably practicable of any such amendment. If you feel dissatisfied with any aspect of your stay, please speak to the Hotel Duty Manager within the Hotel. In most cases, we will be able to help you immediately so that you can enjoy the rest of your stay. Where this is not the case, you must ensure that you record the details with the Hotel Duty Manager and then you should write, no later than 21 days after your departure from the Hotel, to the Customer Services Manager. All letters must be sent by the lead booking name on the reservation, as replies will only be addressed to this person.  


Our right to remove you: 

Merlin, acting reasonably at all times, reserves the right to refuse admission to the Hotel, ban from entry to the Hotel, or remove from the Hotel without any right to a refund any person whose presence or behaviour may affect the enjoyment and/or safety of other guests or staff or who: acts in an inappropriate and/or undesirable manner whilst travelling to the Hotel whether by bus, coach or other means, where such behaviour has been reported to Merlin by a reliable independent source; has been convicted of a criminal offence relating to Merlin, or civil unrest at Merlin property/attractions, which, in the opinion of Merlin, is likely to affect the safety and/or enjoyment of other guests or staff; uses violent, aggressive, threatening, abusive, discriminatory, offensive or insulting words or behaviour or in any way behaves in a manner which is illegal or may provoke a breach of the peace.  In the event that you are removed from the Hotel, Merlin reserves the right to enter your room for the purpose of removing any personal belongings left behind. Merlin reserves the right to initiate legal proceedings or prosecute any person who: is found damaging or defacing any part of the grounds, fences, barriers, walls, exhibits, fabrics or buildings at the Hotel or has displayed any sign or visible representation of any kind which is, or could be reasonably judged to be, threatening, abusive or insulting or  has previously acted in any manner which has caused any person to report that individual to Merlin or; is attempting to regain admission to the Hotel or has been found inside the Hotel without a valid booking reference.  If any guest in breach of any of these Terms is a member of a group, then such group of individuals may also, at Merlin’s discretion, be denied entry or escorted from the Hotel without any right to a refund. 


Booking Reservation: 

THE HOTEL IS PRIVATE PROPERTY.  All persons staying at the Hotel must have a valid booking reservation. It is your responsibility to check your booking confirmation and notify us if there is any mistake. Only persons authorised by Merlin are permitted to sell or offer for sale any items to guests within the Hotel grounds. All booking reservations are non-transferable, not for resale and will become automatically void on any transfer for value except as provided in the cancellation policy set out below. Bookings are only valid on the date printed on the booking reservation. Bookings made with us will only be exchanged or refunded if Merlin, in its absolute discretion, chooses to do so. For the avoidance of any doubt, the total cost of a booking is non-refundable in the event that admission is refused or relinquished for any reason referred to in these Terms. Bookings made online will be delivered in accordance with Merlin’s delivery procedure. If booking a stay on behalf of other guests, the person that books the stay accepts these Terms on behalf of every guest and shall ensure that these Terms are complied with by each person in the group. Should you make a booking with us on behalf of a third party you will be held jointly and severally responsible to us for the total cost of the services/products booked. No child or children under the age of 18 will be admitted to LEGOLAND accommodation unless they are accompanied by an adult aged 18 years or over and such child or children whilst on site must remain under the control or supervision of an adult at all times. Merlin reserves the right, in its absolute discretion, to change the age restrictions referred to in this condition if any particular circumstances so require in the interests of safety and security. 

Merlin requires large groups of 15 guests or more and/or school/college parties to apply in writing, addressed for the attention of the Hotel Reservations Manager before a booking can be made.  We require school parties or organised groups/societies bringing a party of children to have at least 1 member of staff to every 5 children in order to stay at the Hotel.  We also require a letter from the relevant head teacher or chair of governors confirming that members of staff supervising the children have undertaken valid disclosure checks undertaken through the Disclosure and Barring Service.  We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to refuse any booking, including a group booking.  

All information provided by you will be kept securely and treated strictly in accordance with English data protection laws. 


Bedroom accommodation at the Hotel is available from 4.00pm on the day of your arrival and must be vacated by 10.00am on the day of departure unless otherwise stated on the booking confirmation. If you do not vacate the Hotel by this time, Merlin reserves the right to enter your room for the purpose of removing any personal belongings left behind. The person making the booking shall ensure that all occupants of bedrooms shall be made aware of the emergency fire procedures in place at the Hotel. If using the bunk beds, the manufacturer’s recommendation states that no children under the age of six years should use the upper bunk. Where more than one room is booked, guest rooming lists must be received at least seven days prior to your scheduled arrival date.  Merlin reserves the right and you hereby authorise us to charge your credit or debit card for any damage incurred to your room or the Hotel during your stay or for any items that are missing when you leave.  

Your booking is for a class of room in the Hotel and does not guarantee that you will be able to stay in a specific room.  If you have indicated a preference for a particular room we will use our reasonable efforts but do not guarantee to honour this preference. During busy periods families may be allocated a room which does not have a separate children's sleeping area.  A small number of rooms only have a walk in shower, if you require a bath please contact the hotel in advance. 

Your behaviour: 

Consideration must be shown for your neighbours and other guests, particularly towards children. Unnecessary noise or any behaviour likely to cause annoyance to other guests or confusion of any kind is not permitted in any part of the Hotel. Smoking (including of e-cigarettes) is strictly prohibited inside the Hotel and any guest seen smoking inside the Hotel shall receive a fine. Please conduct yourself appropriately at all times and comply with Merlin’s procedures and/or requests with regard to conduct and respect for Merlin’s property, its employees and guests and their health and safety. You shall not disrupt the comfort and enjoyment of other guests, the efficient running of the Hotel or cause offence to other guests. Merlin reserves the right to refuse accommodation or services or remove you and members of your party from the Hotel if, in Merlin’s reasonable opinion, this condition has been breached. Where this is the case, you shall have no right to a refund. Additionally, Merlin reserves the right and you hereby authorise us to charge your credit or debit card in respect of any compensation paid by Merlin to other guests as a result of any failure to comply with this condition. 

Your dress & appearance must be suitable for a family hotel: 

You must wear appropriate clothing (including a top and shoes) at all times whilst inside the Hotel. If you are wearing clothing that is indecent or likely to cause offence in any way, you will be refused entry or removed from the Hotel.  Swimwear may only be worn in the designated leisure areas. 


Free parking is available in the designated Hotels car park for the duration of your stay for guests staying at the LEGOLAND Resort or LEGOLAND Castle Hotels.  A free parking ticket is provided for the duration of your stay for guests staying at the LEGOLAND Woodland Village.  Vehicles are parked at the owners’ risk. We take no responsibility for damage caused to any vehicle using the car park and no guarantee is given as to the security of guests’ vehicles in the car park or any contents. Motor homes, camper vans, caravans or any other vehicle of a similar nature are permitted at the Hotel for the duration of your stay. No vehicles, including motor homes and caravans, are permitted to remain at the Hotel beyond the duration of your stay.   


To ensure the safety of guests and to prevent illegal substances, offensive weapons or dangerous articles from being brought into the Hotel, you are admitted to the Hotel subject to the condition that, if requested to do so, you will allow yourself and/or your belongings to be searched.  Merlin reserves the right to enter and/or search any bedroom should Merlin, acting reasonably, have grounds to suspect that guests are using its bedrooms otherwise than in accordance with these Terms. It is prohibited to bring into the Hotel any weapons, fireworks, smoke bombs, glass bottles or other articles which may cause injury. The throwing of any article which could cause injury or affect the enjoyment of other guests is strictly prohibited.   Any person found to be in possession of an article deemed to be offensive or dangerous will be immediately escorted from the Hotel without any right to a refund and Merlin reserves the right to make reports to the relevant authorities which may lead to prosecution. The consumption of intoxicating liquor is permitted only in authorised places within the Hotel.  Accordingly, intoxicating liquor may not be taken into the Hotel and any persons found possessing alcohol, or who appear to be under the influence of alcohol may be refused admission to the Hotel or escorted from the Hotel without any right to a refund.  The use of illegal substances is strictly prohibited and any persons found possessing, using or who appear to be under the influence of illegal substances will be refused admission or escorted from the Hotel without any right to a refund. CCTV cameras are used to assist in the proper running of the Hotel. However, we do not make any representation as to the extent of coverage provided by the cameras. All items, belongings and other property brought into the Hotel by you are at your own risk and we accept no liability for any loss or damage to such property. As such, we recommend that you do not bring valuables to the Hotel.  


Pets or animals of any nature are expressly prohibited in the Hotel (except for guide dogs, hearing dogs and registered assistance dogs) and, for the avoidance of doubt, should not be left in any vehicle parked at the Hotel. Merlin reserves the right to contact any relevant authority to make and be responsible for any decision in relation to any animals that are left unsupervised or that are found to be in distress. 


Photography is expressly prohibited at all times in the Pirate Splash and Play and swimming pool areas (and such other areas as we may designate from time to time). Unless it is expressly prohibited, you are permitted to take photographs and recordings within the Hotel provided that these are solely for private use and are not sold or used for any commercial or public purpose.  By accepting these Terms, you acknowledge that Merlin may on demand have access to photographs taken and video footage captured by you and request that certain photographs and/or footage are deleted if they are deemed to invade the privacy of or be offensive to other guests and/or staff. By accepting these Terms, you agree not to intentionally photograph and/or capture video footage of any individual (other than family and friends) without that person’s permission and you must adhere to all photography/filming restrictions in place whilst within the Hotel. From time to time Merlin or other authorised parties carry out photography and/or video recording in the Hotel, which may feature guests. Entry to the Hotel is deemed acceptance of these Terms, and you therefore agree that Merlin or any authorised party may use such images in perpetuity in any promotional, advertising or publicity material in any format whatsoever. You further agree that copyright in these materials rests with Merlin or such authorised party (as the case may be).    


When a booking reservation is made payment must be made immediately in full by credit or debit card. We reserve the right not to accept personal cheques as a method of payment.  We will send to you a reservation confirmation within 7 days of your booking. 

Please note that theme park tickets booked as part of your stay will not be issued until full payment has been received.  

Any extras incurred during your stay, including dinner, will need to be settled by you at the time of consumption unless a credit or debit card has been provided on check in then any such amounts will be debited on departure. 

VAT at the rate at the time of your visit is included in the price, although we reserve the right to amend prices if there is a change in VAT rates. 

During your stay, the Hotel's systems will calculate the extras charged to your room on a daily basis. If the extras incurred exceed the authorisation taken on check-in, further authorisation will be requested. If such authorisation is not available or refused, we may request another method of settlement or a deposit to be provided, failing which we reserve the right to restrict access to your room. 

Credit and Debit Card Payments 

Credit and debit card payments will normally be authorised and charged to your account the same day as the booking or the next working day.  No receipts will be sent.  We require your credit or debit card details so that we can collect payment for your booking.  We may retain these details in the event that we need to process any refunds or payment for any additional expenses incurred during your stay including, but not limited to, restaurant visits, spa treatments, use of mini bar and any damages.   

Amendments, Cancellations and Refunds: 

Amendments, Cancellations and Refunds for bookings made via third parties (such as, Expedia etc) are subject to terms and conditions detailed by the booking provider.  Merlin Entertainment Holidays Limited operates LEGOLAND® Short Breaks on behalf of the LEGOLAND Windsor Resort and their Full Terms and Conditions of booking are available at 

This paragraph applies to bookings made directly with the LEGOLAND Windsor Hotel Reception.  If, for any reason, you would like to amend your booking after it has been confirmed, we will use all reasonable endeavours to assist you.  The rate of an existing booking will not be reduced in the event that rates have changed.  If you wish to amend your booking and you provide us with more than 3 days’ written notice prior to the scheduled arrival date, then a £25 administration fee is payable.  If you provide us with less than 3 days’ prior written notice or you do not attend on the day of your booking, the full amount as stated in your booking confirmation is payable. These cancellation fees will be deducted from the amounts of any refund issued to you.  If, for any reason, you have to cancel your stay you should contact the Hotel immediately on 01753 751200. You will be given a cancellation number which you should record.  We will consider any reasons for cancellation sympathetically and, if requested by you, we will attempt to offer you a stay on an alternative date.  Please note that any change of date may involve a change in the price of your stay and you will be required to pay any additional amounts immediately.  Any refund due to you will be paid in accordance with the refunds policy set out below.  You may transfer your booking into someone else’s name provided that we are advised of, and are in agreement with, the changes, for which there is no administration fee payable.  Please be aware that a number of security questions will need to be answered in order to confirm the booking transfer.  Where a refund is to be made by the Hotel, all payments made by credit or debit cards will be refunded via the same card number less the cancellation fees set out above.  All other payments will be refunded by cheque made payable to the person named on the reservation confirmation. 

Our Liability: 

Merlin accepts no liability and will not pay any compensation where the performance of its obligations is prevented or affected directly or indirectly by or as a result of force majeure or any circumstances beyond Merlin's reasonable control including, but not limited to, flood, earthquake, extreme adverse weather conditions, natural disasters, other acts of God, acts of terrorism, fire or failure of electric power, gas, water, or other utility service, plant machinery, computers, vehicles or any collapse of building structures 

Merlin shall not be liable for any damage or loss of any property or items belonging to a guest or for personal injury to the guests (but only so far as such injury is not caused by Merlin’s negligence). 

Governing Law: 

These terms and conditions and any dispute arising in connection with them shall be governed by English law. 


Short Breaks Gift Voucher Terms and Conditions

  1. Vouchers are valid for one (1) year from the date of purchase, and the voucher cannot be used after the expiration date.
  2. Vouchers cannot be resold, refunded or exchanged for cash for any reason.
  3. This voucher can only be used for Short Breaks at the LEGOLAND® Windsor Resort (the ‘Attraction’).
  4. Vouchers can only be used as full or part payment for a Short Break or any Upgrades/Extras as part of booking a Short Break, and cannot be used at any shops or restaurants at the Attraction, to purchase stand-alone Attraction day tickets, to purchase additional gift vouchers, or for any other purpose.
  5. All Short Break reservations will be bound by the Short Break Terms and Conditions. Where a booking may be eligible for a refund under these Terms and Conditions, the refund will be issued in the method of purchase. Where part or all of a refund-eligible reservation was purchased using a Gift Voucher, you will receive a Gift Voucher to the value of the amount spent as part of the refund.
  6. Gift Vouchers are available in specific value denominations – however should the entire value of the Gift Voucher not be used in one transaction, the remaining balance will still be available to use, subject to the same original expiration date.
  8. By purchasing a Gift Voucher you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.
  9. All Short Break reservations are subject to all applicable terms and conditions set out by the Attraction, including the Attraction’s Terms and Conditions of Entry.
  10. Merlin reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions at its sole discretion without notice and at any time.
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